Horizons، سال اول، شماره ، پیاپی 5، بهار و تابستان 1340، صفحات 97-

    An Integrative Study of the Impacts of Marketing and Ethnocentrism on Domestic Goods Consumption

    نوع مقاله: 
    سعید محمدبیگی / دانشجوی دکتری - فلسفه اقتصاد اسلامی مؤسسه آموزشی و پژوهشی امام خمینی (ره) / beigi.1992@gmail.com
    Article data in English (انگلیسی)
    متن کامل مقاله: 
    Horizons of Thought     Vol.3. No.1, Spring & Summer 2017, P. 97-120

    Saeid MohammadBeigi / Ph.D. student of philosophy of Islamic economics, Imam Khomeini Institute for Education and Research     Beigi.1992@Gmail.com
    Received: 2021/06/18 - Accepted: 2021/10/25

    Consumption management, by emphasizing the implementation of general policies to reform the consumption pattern and promote the consumption of domestic goods, which is one of the general policies of resistive economics, means that researchers in the field of Islamic patterns need a more accurate understanding of factors affecting consumer tendency to buy domestic goods. The main purpose of the present study is to examine how consumer attitudes towards a country in addition to all the variables affecting it, such as marketing, can affect its desire to buy imported or domestic products. The results of this study, which uses a critical comparative method, indicate that the variables affecting the consumption of domestic goods are divided into three categories: personality factors, demographic factors and price factors, each of which are influential in directing consumer behavior towards choice of buying domestic or foreign goods. In addition, the effective strategy in influencing these factors as much as possible on consumer behavior depends on potential capacities available in each of these three categories, which are discussed in detail in each section, and have consequences such as: maximum employment, consumption management, import substitution and the welfare of society.
    Keywords: Consumer behavior, Consumption culture, Domestic products, Ethnocentrism, Marketing, Consumption pattern modification.

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    محمدبیگی، سعید.(1340) An Integrative Study of the Impacts of Marketing and Ethnocentrism on Domestic Goods Consumption. دو فصلنامه Horizons، 1()، 97-


    سعید محمدبیگی."An Integrative Study of the Impacts of Marketing and Ethnocentrism on Domestic Goods Consumption". دو فصلنامه Horizons، 1، ، 1340، 97-


    محمدبیگی، سعید.(1340) 'An Integrative Study of the Impacts of Marketing and Ethnocentrism on Domestic Goods Consumption'، دو فصلنامه Horizons، 1(), pp. 97-


    محمدبیگی، سعید. An Integrative Study of the Impacts of Marketing and Ethnocentrism on Domestic Goods Consumption. Horizons، 1, 1340؛ 1(): 97-